Let's ring in the New Year with some peonies and with a paper chain! And, that product share announcement that I promised you!
Yesterday I was home with the girls and my husband was at the office for a half day. He stopped at the store on the way home to pick up seafood for our traditional New Year's Eve seafood fest. He also brought home some peonies...they are so fragrant and beautiful!
Brooklyn loved them and wanted to take them into her room; ultimately they ended up in a mason jar in the kitchen where everyone can enjoy them.
Yesterday I took some time to make a "paper chain" using some new Designer Series Paper -- Kaleidoscope to be exact:
Technically this is more of a garland and I've hung it in my office up near all my scissors and some embellishments. This paper has some neutral tones but also some serious pops of color!
Let's get to the product shares!
The Occassions catalog is truly packed with fabulous new stamps, papers, and embellishments! I know many of you will quickly put together a very long wish list...I sure did. The great thing about a product share is that it allows you to get pretty much every consumable you want at a fraction of the price of buying everything yourself. Splitting the cost with your fellow paper crafters is a great thing!
For the Occasions catalog, I am offering the following:
Peonies and Paper Chains Paper Share
- 32 pieces (6" x 12") of Designer Series Paper, Metallic Vellum, and Metallic Foil
- 12 sheets (4-1/2' x 6-1/2") from a Designer Series Paper Stack
- $21.50 plus $5.95 S&H
Peonies and Paper Chains Embellishment Share
- 12.5 yard of ribbon
- 1.25 yards of metallic trim
- 22 embellishments including buttons, clips and wooden elements
- $21.50 plus $5.95 S&H
I Want It All Bundle (BEST DEAL!)
- Includes items from both the paper and embellishments shares
- $40.50 plus $5.95 S&H
The Fine Print: Shares will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. You will be billed once your share fills and it can take a few weeks from the time you sign-up for a share until you receive the share goodies. Product share items can only be shipped to US postal service addresses.
Ready to sign-up for a share? Click here!
Wishing you a fabulous year in 2014 and looking forward to sharing lots of inspiration with you!
Thanks so much for stopping by and spending a part of your day with me.
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Order your paper crafting supplies here.