Happy Friday, friends! Today is the 5th Friday of 2015 and I'm sharing the fifth Stampin' Up! five color combo with you. We're off to a good start!
Now before I share the latest color inspiration with you, I wanted to share a little about some emails I received lately. I've had a few loyal blog readers (thank you!) reach out and ask if I'll be sharing any three color combos or if the combos will work if only 3 of the colors are used.
To the first question, the answer is no and the reason is two-fold...
1. Five color combos push us stretch our creative muscles - two and three color combos may get us trying new colors together, but five sometimes makes us really work for it (me included).
2. I love the alliterative quality of "Five on Friday" -- "Three on Friday" is just not the same. As I sit here typing this I realize I can get the same alliterative quality with "Four on Friday", however I am thinking I will still stick to "Five on Friday". When I first launched the Five on Friday series a year and half or so ago, I missed things up...five was to use ribbon, my five favorite Stampin' Up! tools, five mini card sketches. It was the color combos though that resonated most with people and that's why I chose to simply focus on those.
Wow...that was long-winded!
And the answer to the second question is "yes, absolutely"...pick any three colors from the combo and they should work together!
By now you must really want to get to the new combo! Here goes...

Honestly as I sit here looking at this now, it has such a summery feel to me! Frankly, that is kind of nice given that we got 33" of snow earlier this week! Here's an image of my sweet boy Brinkley (a Brittany) out in the path we had to clear!
Hope this week's color combo (or the photo) inspire you to get creating this weekend!
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